About us
After several years of exchange and various projects related to the problems of data literacy and data protection issues, Prof. Dr. ès sc. Diego Kuonen and Dr. med. Monique Lehky Hagen, together with her networks, decided to launch a broad appeal to politicians to urgently create a solid foundation for the sustainable implementation and financing of a social data literacy culture. This appeal covers the following areas:
Involvement of the media in this cultural change concerning data literacy;
Integration of data literacy lessons to education and training with adequate programmes from kindergarten level on;
Creation of decentrally networked data literacy centers for quality assurance purposes.
These three pillars are fundamental to the sustainable and social development of high-quality data literacy in this digital age. This calls for existing national and international resources and competences to be included as much as possible. The interprofessional approach should be deepened and extended.
The appeal for an urgent national data literacy campaign was launched inter-professionally with and thanks to the support of the KKA/CCM. The KKA supports the project financially and logistically. We would like to thank them very much for this support. In the meantime, many other organisations and individuals from different areas of expertise and the general public have joined our appeal.
In a second step, cooperation projects in the field of data literacy are developed with interested partners. Similar initiatives for greater data literacy are also being encouraged, followed and networked internationally. "Data literacy - Switzerland" wants to become a platform that enables interested partners and individuals to easily inform, exchange and network about ongoing data literacy projects at a national and international level, and to make these projects and developments visible to the population at the same time.

Prof. Dr. ès sc. Diego Kuonen​
''Data literacy - Switzerland''
The statistician Prof. Dr. ès sc. Diego Kuonen, CStat PStat, founded Statoo Consulting in 2001 and regularly consults on applying statistical engineering and thinking to big data analytics and artificial intelligence for businesses and government bodies in Switzerland and across Europe at the operational, tactical and strategic levels.
Currently, he is also the Principal Scientific and Strategic Data Innovation and Data Science Advisor for the Directorate and the Board of Management of the “Swiss Federal Statistical Office” (FSO) in Neuchâtel, Switzerland, and Co-Author of FSO's Data Innovation Strategy and supports the FSO in its operational, tactical and strategic implementation and further development.
In addition, he is since 2016 Professor of Data Science at the “Geneva School of Economics and Management” (GSEM) at the University of Geneva, Switzerland, and Founding Director of GSEM's new “Master of Science in Business Analytics” programme.
In the past, he was also President of the “Swiss Statistical Society” (2009-2015).
Links: About.me, Twitter, LinkedIn.
Selection of publications/articles:
«Des experts veulent alphabétiser les Suisses en matière de données» (ICTJournal, August 2020)
«Bin ich der Igel?» (May 2020)
«Gedankenspiel von Diego Kuonen: Es ist doch nur eine einfache Party» (RRO, April 2020)
«Ein Robo-Coiffeur? Das kriegt man mit künstlicher Intelligenz niemals hin» (WB, January 2020)
«Das Bundesamt für Gesundheit muss die Daten gar nicht schicken. Die bleiben schön bei ihm» (NZZ, May 2020)
«Gewisse globale Probleme werden wir ohne Big Data nicht lösen können» (WB, February 2017)

Dr. med. Monique Lehky Hagen
''Data literacy - Switzerland''
Specialist for general internal medicine, dedicated to social matters and health policies.
Spec. Manual Medicine (SAMM)
Executive MBA with focus on healthcare
Certified expert SIM (Swiss Insurance Medicine)
Co-President KKA (Conference of Cantonal Medical Societies) since 2018
President of the Valais Medical Society since 2013
Former board member at the Spital Wallis and foundation board member of the Central Institute of Valais Hospitals (ICH) (2012-2015)
Vice-President of the Sanakvo foundation since 2011
Selection of publications/articles:
175 ans de médecine en Valais (Planète Santé, 2019)
In unserer Gesellschaft hat man verlernt zu Sterben (RZ, 2019)
Medizinische Register Schweiz: Daten um der Daten Willen? Sicht der Ärzteschaft (KKA, 2018)
Le secret médical en danger (Planète Santé, 2015)
Politik um der Politik willen hat im Gesundheitswesen nichts verloren (RZ, 2015)
Factors Influencing the Pattern of Imported Malaria (Journal of Travel Medicine, 2005)